Friday, November 25, 2011

Journal # 9

Lamb, A. (2011). Reading redefined for a transmedia universe. Learning and Leading With Technology39(3), 12-17. Retrieved from

Reading Redefined for a Transmedia Universe
Summary: In her article, “Reading Redefined for a Transmedia Universe,” Annette Lamb writes about the emerging of digital reading and the changes it caused within the last years. During the early 90’s interactive storybooks were first introduced on CD-ROMs, and twenty years the introduction of apps for iPhones and iPads had renewed interactive storybooks. In current times, children beyond elementary grades to prekindergarden benefit from the interactive storybook’s support.  Some of the benefits include options to hear words pronounced aloud, and facilitation for a better learning for special need students and English learners.  Children do not longer need referenced books since now they can obtain information in their mobile apps, and take note bookmarking.  Thought trasmedia storytelling students engage more into reading since it includes games, activities, and media such as audio, and videos.  Educators are incorporating these new  reading environments into their curriculum since it enhances students’ learning experience.

Question 1: How digital reading benefits students? Digital reading is a new form of reading that helps students to engage more into reading and learning. The students may chose from different devices that have different functions that help beginning readers because interactive storybooks include options for defining words, activities and games.  Personally, I have witnessed how teachers include e-books and trasmedia storytelling into their teaching curriculum, and students learn are more eager to learn using these technological devices. Indeed, the options to hear words, learning games, labels on illustrations, and regain support had changed and are replacing reference books. As teachers we have to find methods to be creative and help students to find reading more interested into reading.

Question 2: What are some of the disadvantages of digital readers? Distraction is one of the disadvantages of digital reading. Some features such as bells and whistlers can cause readers to lose focus while reading. In addition, links within e-books take readers to other websites; however, educators’ responsibility is to educate students to make correct usage of electronic readers in order to have a better comprehension.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Journal # 8 Adaptive Technology

Argumentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) is non verbal communication that allows people with severe speech or language problems to increase social interaction  and school performance because they can express thoughts, ideas, needs and wants.

Low Tech Device
Sign Language is considered an AAC low tech device, and instead of sound patterns it uses visually transmitted patters to convey meaning. In a classroom, teachers can use sing language as a form of communication, and it facilitates the communication between teacher and mainly deaf students.

High Tech Device
 The DynaVox EyeMax System is a powerful and modern communication device that facilitates individuals with speech and language disabilities to communicate and control their environment with just the blink of an eye.  As a modern technology enhances, this type of technology facilitates the communication between a teacher and students with communication problems. In a classroom, the DynaVox Eye System would facilitate teaching since the student will are able to experience a more meaningful communication.

An input device many times known as an alternative device includes hardware or software solutions that allow users with mobility impairments to interact with a computer without using a standard mouse or keyboard.

Hardware: Magic Touch Screen is an add-on touch screen for computers.  The magic Touch Screen is a mouse emulator that allows controlling operation normally controlled by the mouse. In a classroom, it is extremely helpful for students with learning disabilities because teachers can use for teaching them to interacting with picture, and it makes learning for accessible.

 Software: GazeTalk is a software project that is designed to develop an eye-tracking based system that supports several languages, facilitates fast text entry, and is both sufficiently feature-complete to be deployed as the primary AAC tool for users. It fact, it is sufficiently flexible and technically advanced to be used for research purposes, and its system is designed for several target languages, initially Danish, English, Italian, German and Japanese. A GazeTalk software can assist the teacher to have a better communication with the student, and assist the student as well since the GazeTalk’s features such as type to talk and writing can help them to have a better learning.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Journal #7 My Personal Learning Network

NETS-T 2 &5
PLN, a short name for a Personal Learning Network is source to share information online by using social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, social bookmarking tools, blogs, the educators’ PLN website, and many others. Creating a PLN will help me when I become a teacher since I will be able to communicate with others in the education field, find interesting links to education, learn about new technology, and learn how to integrate into a classroom.

Twitter is a social networking to follow friends, experts, celebrities, and breaking news. Personally, I use tweeter to connect with people in the educational field. I choose to follow my class peers, educators, eChalk, Teacher Nets, Ed Week Teacher, and the Dropout Nation. The principal reason why I follow these individuals and organizations is because I want to be informed about educational issues during my teacher capacitating. I use tweeter to post and share educational links with others teacher candidates.  Tweeter also provides weekly educations chats, and on Friday 28th at 8 PST I joined the #EngChat. The chat group’s discussion was mainly about how to teach vocabulary, grammar and writing to students. I found this chat extremely interesting because it helped develop creative ideas, and have access to sources such as  to help students to enhance their writing skills.   

Diigo is a social bookmarking tool used to organize, store, manage and share bookmarks of resources online with others. I currently use Diigo to follow educators and see their resources’ bookmarks.  I decided to follow Emily Vickery, Christina Andrade, Marisa Onaga, Tim Lauer and Jordan MacFarlen because of they are passionate about teaching and education, and as a student I would like to have access to their educational resources’ bookmarks. Surfing several educational bloggers and other sites, I bookmarked “History in Elementary,” “Digital writing,” and “External Pressure,” within my Diigo library with a PLN tag.

In addition to Twitter, and Diiggo, I also joined the Educator’s PLN which is “dedicated to the support of a Personal Learning Network for educators.” An Educator’s PLN arrays educational forums, chat pages, blogs, events, and groups. In the main page I have access to video post of other members, and I watched a video call, “Social Media in Education: Teaching Digital Natives.” I found this video inspirational because for the facts given, it is noticeable that students learn better using internet devices.  As future educator, my responsibility is to incorporate technology in order to help students learn more effectively. 

Journal # 6


Parr, B. (2011, July 16). Google+: The complete guide. Retrieved from


Summary:  Chris Brogan directs his article “Educators-Google Plus is for you,” to teachers, and he gives reasons why educators should create a Google Plus. According to Brogan, Google plus allows to users to create circle pages where they are able to add others. In addition, it is also a great collaboration tool since people can post lesson plans, create discussions, and share Youtube video, photos and more via link.

Question: Is Google Plus a right collaboration tool for teachers? I believe technology is fundamental in education.  It facilitates and engages students to be more interested into learning; therefore Google Plus is a magnificent collaboration tool that teachers can use to inspire students. In fact, teachers can use Google Plus to make classes more interactive and create a wonderful learning experience to students. In few words Google Plus is the adequate collaboration tool to assist teachers to communicate with teachers, parents and help student to be interested into education.

Google +: The Complete Guide
Parr, B. (2011, July 16). Google+: The complete guide. Retrieved from

Summary: Google +: The Complete Guide is an article by Ben Parr that discusses and defines Google+ as a new social network that attempts to rival Facebook.  The article describes how to use  Google +  features which include  Stream (a newsfeed), Sparks (a recommendation engine), Hangouts (a video chat service), Huddle (a group texting service), Circles (a friend management service) and Photos.  Several reasons why Google + should be use are given and one of them is that its features integrate more of their cloud products such as calendars readers, and documents. An user must have a Google account in order to be a member of the social network of Google +, and it also allows people to mention others in their post and send private messages. In addition, people manage their own privacy and they share their information, photos and videos with people within their circles. In difference than to other social Network, Google + permits to have more control in their security since information is only share with people users want.

Question : Why would you recommend Google Plus for teachers? More than a social network Google + is a page when people share important information regarding to education. It is not a common social page because educators can create discussion, share lesson plans and ideas with their colleagues. The handouts will permit used to have a better communication by video chatting. I would recommend Google +  because regarding to security it is more safe than other social networks since people manage their groups. Others social networks are mainly design to socialize and the fact that more business such as Ford and  ABC news  are with  Google +  they make it more reliable and secure.