Twitter is a social networking to follow friends, experts, celebrities, and breaking news. Personally, I use tweeter to connect with people in the educational field. I choose to follow my class peers, educators, eChalk, Teacher Nets, Ed Week Teacher, and the Dropout Nation. The principal reason why I follow these individuals and organizations is because I want to be informed about educational issues during my teacher capacitating. I use tweeter to post and share educational links with others teacher candidates. Tweeter also provides weekly educations chats, and on Friday 28th at 8 PST I joined the #EngChat. The chat group’s discussion was mainly about how to teach vocabulary, grammar and writing to students. I found this chat extremely interesting because it helped develop creative ideas, and have access to sources such as Bit.ly/qSsEPC to help students to enhance their writing skills.
Diigo is a social bookmarking tool used to organize, store, manage and share bookmarks of resources online with others. I currently use Diigo to follow educators and see their resources’ bookmarks. I decided to follow Emily Vickery, Christina Andrade, Marisa Onaga, Tim Lauer and Jordan MacFarlen because of they are passionate about teaching and education, and as a student I would like to have access to their educational resources’ bookmarks. Surfing several educational bloggers and other sites, I bookmarked “History in Elementary,” “Digital writing,” and “External Pressure,” within my Diigo library with a PLN tag.
In addition to Twitter, and Diiggo, I also joined the Educator’s PLN which is “dedicated to the support of a Personal Learning Network for educators.” An Educator’s PLN arrays educational forums, chat pages, blogs, events, and groups. In the main page I have access to video post of other members, and I watched a video call, “Social Media in Education: Teaching Digital Natives.” I found this video inspirational because for the facts given, it is noticeable that students learn better using internet devices. As future educator, my responsibility is to incorporate technology in order to help students learn more effectively.
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