Sunday, October 2, 2011

Journal # 4

It's In the Bag
Basham, J. D., Perry, E., & Meyer, H. (2011). It's in the bag. Learning and Leading with Technology39(2), 24-27. Retrieved from

Summary:  “It is in the bag,” is an article where the writers discuss the importance and the role of technology in education. Its main purpose is present digital backpack and how students of different ages can use it. According to the article, a digital backpack is composed of three components: Foundational technology, modular technology, and instructional support materials. Foundational technology includes laptops, table devices, and software to access instructional continent.  In the other hand modular technology digital camcorders, iPod touches, digital sound recorders, and digital science probes.
The authors incorporate examples how students of different grades use digital backpacks in different situations. In the case of high school and college students used digital backpacks to create a five minutes movie.  Students of lower level such middle school students used their digital backpack to gather data fossils.

Question 1: Why digital backpacks are important in education? In current society technology is necessary and it is used at least more than twice per day. Technologies along with educators prepare students not only to do better in classes, but also to prepare them for the future. Indeed, student with technology skills will have better opportunities in careers since technology is around the world.

Question 2 : How teachers can use digital backpack to enhance and facilitate students’ learning? Backpacks support in time learning. Teachers can use this type of technology such as laptop to show videos to students. In lower grades teachers can show videos to students to play games and learn new vocabulary or play math games.

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